I Legislature

Election Results and Composition of the Regional Parliament of Navarre
I Legislature (1983-1987)


The elections to the first legislature of the Parliament of Navarre were held 8th May, 1983.

Ten candidatures took part in the elections obtaining the following results:


  Number % of Census
Census of electors 379.692 100
Votes cast 269.042 70,86
Abstentions 110.650 29,14
Null votes 3.135 0,83
Blank votes 1.826 0,48
Valid votes 264.081 69,55


  Votes Obtained % Valid votes  Parliamentarians
Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) 94.737 35,87 20
Unión del Pueblo Navarro (UPN) 62.072 23,51 13
Alianza Popular en coalición con el Partido Demócrata Popular y Unión Liberal (AP-PDP-UL) 37.554 14,22 8
Herri Batasuna (HB) 28.055 10,62 6
Partido Nacionalista Vasco (PNV) 18.161 6,88 3
Agrupación Electores AUZOLAN 8.356  3,16  
Partido Carlista (E.K.A.) 6.733  2,55  
Euskadiko Ezkerra (EE) 6.292 2,38  
Partido Comunista Euskadi (PCE) 1.712 0,65  
Liga Comunista (LC) 409 0,16  

